
Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry,Graz University of Technology--格拉茨科技大学分析化学与食品化学研究所




  Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry

  Fields of interest are element species analytics, separation techniques, food chemistry, humansensorics and chemo- and biosensors. The insitute is organised in five workgroups.

  Chemo- and Biosensors

  Sensor Materials

  The Sensor Materials group is dedicated to development of new sensing schemes and the synthesis of tailor-made indicators, receptors and polymeric sensor materials.

  Applied Sensors

  The Applied Sensor group is dedicated to the application of new sensor technologies in biotechnology and environmental analyses.

  Element Analysis

  The group for Element analysis is dedicated to the development of new analytical techniques and apparatus for the determination of elements in organic and inorganic materials. In addition the group runs a laboratory for contract analysis.

  Food Chemistry and Sensory Science

  The Food Chemistry and Human Sensory Analysis group is focussed on the flavour and off-flavour of foods. The combination of state-of-the-art instrumentation for the identification of odour active compounds and the sensory evaluation of the products in the sensory test lab allow deep insight into the flavour properties of the investigated product.

  Separation Techniques

  The primary research goal is organic trace analysis including the development of new analytical methods and instruments as well as the improvement of existing techniques with respect to precision, accuracy, time consumption, costs and detection limits.